Nintendo Has Filed A New Trademark For The Donkey Kong Series

Started by Æon, Jul 04, 2022, 03:05 PM

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QuoteAre we really playing the "Nintendo has renewed a trademark, it must mean something" game again? Yes, we are. It's one of our favorite games, and it's also the only DKU game that Nintendo has announced so far this summer. So! As soon as the calendar date rolled over into July, a new trademark for Donkey Kong was published. What makes this interesting? Well, Nintendo will file for NEW trademarks rather than extend existing ones when they need to update the verbiage for the types of goods and services the trademark will encompass. This is why Donkey Kong's trademark has needed to be updated anew throughout the decades as technology or what Donkey Kong can be as a brand evolves over time. And what does the new Donkey Kong trademark entail?

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